We’ve been moving toward simplicity for over four years and I’m more convinced than ever that this will be a lifelong pursuit. Seems like simple should be easy, but clearly it’s not. While there are many advantages to small spaces, it absolutely means thinking about how every square foot gets used. We’ve spent the last month or so rearranging our small house, trying to figure out the best configuration for the way we live. As we talk about how to make it work better for us, our priorities sometimes collide. Do we create spaces that work best for our needs or for hosting guests? He says the former. I say we need to suit both needs. Yet there’s only so much room in here.

Lately, I’ve become fascinated with convertible furniture. See this video, and this one, for examples. This seems like the answer to downsizing. Yet, the cool designs are also very expensive. And while justifications are easy, there are many values at play (saving money, being green, buying local) so nothing is a perfect fit.

Still, I’m enjoying the process of figuring it out because I truly believe living small (space-wise, not imagination-wise) works for us. The top three benefits I’m noticing are:

  1. I’m less stressed because it takes so little time to keep up with cleaning, which leaves more time with family and friends and doing things I enjoy.
  2. I can afford to live in a location I love.
  3. I buy less and therefore become less attached to things.

I’m always interested in creative solutions and ideas. Please share your thoughts about making life work better.